{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
module Mints.Soundness (fext : ∀ {ℓ ℓ′} → Extensionality ℓ ℓ′) where
open import Lib
open import Mints.Statics.Properties
open import Mints.Semantics.Readback
open import Mints.Semantics.Properties.Domain fext
open import Mints.Semantics.Properties.PER fext
open import Mints.Completeness.Fundamental fext
open import Mints.Soundness.LogRel
open import Mints.Soundness.Properties.Substitutions fext
open import Mints.Soundness.Realizability fext
open import Mints.Soundness.Fundamental fext
soundness : Γ ⊢ t ∶ T →
∃ λ w → NbE Γ t T w × Γ ⊢ t ≈ Nf⇒Exp w ∶ T
soundness {Γ} {t} {T} ⊢t
with record { ⊩Γ = ⊩Γ ; krip = krip } ← fundamental-⊢t⇒⊩t ⊢t
with ρ , _ , ρinit , _ ← InitEnvs-related (fundamental-⊢Γ (⊩⇒⊢ ⊩Γ))
with record { ⟦T⟧ = ⟦T⟧ ; ⟦t⟧ = ⟦t⟧ ; ↘⟦T⟧ = ↘⟦T⟧ ; ↘⟦t⟧ = ↘⟦t⟧ ; T∈𝕌 = T∈𝕌 ; t∼⟦t⟧ = t∼⟦t⟧ } ← krip (InitEnvs⇒s®I ⊩Γ ρinit)
with record { a∈⊤ = a∈⊤ ; krip = krip } ← ®El⇒®↑El T∈𝕌 t∼⟦t⟧
with w , ↘w , _ ← a∈⊤ (map len Γ) vone
| eq ← krip (⊢rI (⊩⇒⊢ ⊩Γ))
rewrite D-ap-vone ⟦t⟧
| D-ap-vone ⟦T⟧ = w , nbe , [I]-≈ˡ ([I]-≈ˡ eq)
where nbe : NbE Γ t T w
nbe = record
{ envs = ρ
; init = ρinit
; nbe = record
{ ⟦t⟧ = ⟦t⟧
; ⟦T⟧ = ⟦T⟧
; ↘⟦t⟧ = ↘⟦t⟧
; ↘⟦T⟧ = ↘⟦T⟧
; ↓⟦t⟧ = ↘w